Portugal Rotário - Environmental Preservation: A Possible Utopia

The July edition of the Portugal Rotário magazine has an article about the Utopia Project, during which Moisés Campos gives some details about the construction process of the building. You can read the full interview by downloading the article (available only in portuguese).
Snippet Translation:
"Project Utopia forced the relocation of a company, but created a new concept of work and construction, increasing the quality of life of Plako's employees and the environmental awareness of all. 75 thousand cork stoppers, 2200 tires and 11 thousand soft drink cans gained a new life.
Rotary took on the environment as a new area of focus in 2020. In fact, it was only the officialization of a concern that has long been present in the daily lives of Rotarians. An example of this is the history of Project Utopia, developed, as a business, by fellow Moisés Campos, from the Rotary Club of Póvoa de Lanhoso.
Utopia is the concept of an enterprise - the whole exterior area and building - based on the reuse of materials. In the building, in the parish of Águas Santas and Moure, 2200 tires and more than 11 thousand of soft drink cans were used (for the walls, then covered with cork), plates with materials from cars being scrapped and 74 thousand cork stoppers on the roof, for rainwater drainage. Not a single brick!"