Press release: The first tire of Utopia was launched today

In Póvoa de Lanhoso, was launched today the first tire of the Portuguese technological company Plako, which will reuse nearly two thousand tires using environmentally sustainable construction techniques, based on the concept of “Earthship” of the American eco-architect Michael Reynolds. The ceremony counted with the interventions of the Deputy Secretary of State and Economy Dr. Leonardo Mathias, the Mayor of Póvoa de Lanhoso Manuel Baptista, and the CEO of Plako Moisés Campos.
After the symbolic act of “launching the first tire” - which consisted in the “burial” of a time capsule and the planting of an olive tree, which will remain, for many years, to mark this day in the grounds of Utopia – Moisés Campos was the first to speak, stating that “our little planet is sick” and that the Utopia project will be worth above all “by example and the ability to mobilize that may result from this”.
This was followed by Manuel Baptista’s speech, congratulating Moisés Campos for his “entrepreneurial courage”, “environmental sensibility” and “for the innovation that this project represents for Póvoa de Lanhoso’s municipality”; adding that he can count on his full support to make this Utopia come true.
It was up to Dr. Leonardo Mathias to close this moment, highlighting how important it is, for his ministry, to receive this optimism to justify its action with the Troika elements, the administration and the government.