The roof that will be a garden...
About 75,000 corks were spread over the entire roof area as part of the natural functioning of the drainage system for the garden roof of the Utopia building.
Over this, a geo-textile blanket was placed that acts as a filtering layer for the water, preventing the clogging of the "drains". Afterwards, 3 m3 of expanded clay (leca) were placed, which will allow them to retain moisture for a longer time, which is essential for the plants.
To complete the entire process, it was necessary to use a backhoe machine to place the earth on the roof, which was then spread using 3 people in a demanding process that lasted about 6 hours.
In this way, the roof is already prepared to receive the plants (capuchins) that will give more life to the building and that will make it "lost" in the surrounding environment.
Here, once again, we leave our sincere thanks to all the people who contributed to our cork stopper collection campaign, helping not only to achieve another step in the Utopia Project, but also contributing with a positive gesture for the environment. : Reuse!
A special word of thanks to all the anonymous volunteers who helped in the process of collecting the corks, placing them on the roof, loading and distributing the lec and earth on the roof.