Correio do Minho: Visually Impaired Help Give Light to Utopia

Article pupblished in the Correio do Minho Newspapper, about an action that envolved 4 visually impaired framed in the project 'Give Light to Utopia', on July 7, 2017, by Lurdes Marques.
Snippet transcription:
"It was a putting 'eyes in hands'. Four users of the Association of Support to the Visually Impaired of Braga District (AADVDB) participated, yesterday morning, in the project 'Giving Light to Utopia', which involved Plako, a technological company based in the municipality, the Municipality of Póvoa de Lanhoso, through the Service for the Promotion of Gender Equality - SIGO - and the Commission + Equality + Citizenship, and AADVDB.
The goal of yesterday's action was the construction of lamps that will illuminate some of the spaces of the new headquarters of the company, located in Águas Santas. And it was there that the users and technicians of AADVDB got to know the 'Utopia' project, led by Moisés Campos from 'Plako'."